29 August 2007

Day One: Holy Crap, We’re on the Road

4:58 PM Pull out of the Driveway

1800 miles to go

5:00 PM Rain

Lesley and Scott look at each other, trepidation crossing their faces. Soldier on.

5:10 PM Passenger side windshield wiper ceases to function

Lesley: Have we gotten ourselves in over our heads?

Scott: Of course darlin’, but that happened well before today.

Still, they soldier on.

6:51 PM First “bus love,” a vintage, restored European car of unidentified provenance, full of people waving at us on Rt. 340 S. We’re totally doing this!

Shortly after, we see a weathered Mickey Rourke type riding a horse bareback while smoking (Marlboros, no doubt), just loping along the median strip of Rt. 340. He’s totally crazier than we are, if not for the fact that we have more horsepower.

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