Hey, Scott here for once. Boston Bob is (and I cannot stress this enough) THE MAN!
In true expert fashion, he diagnosed the problem and gave me the solution. Here's the deal:
Problem: Heavy-ass rain, loss of power under load, eventually ending up at full stall.
Diagnosis: At least one ignition wire has gotten wet and is not putting juice where it ought to be putting juice.
Solution: Dry the wires.
Bus cranks up, stumbles a bit when I give it some gas, but keeps going. We hit the exit and get halfway around the cloverleaf bit when a rainbow (I shit you not!) appears and points right down to the KOA sign. Lucky rabbit's foot we had just bought has seemingly come through for us already (thanks, little guy, for the foot!). We are now, as I type this, cold chillin' at the best darn KOA this side of the Red River, knocking back a cold one.
Tomorrow, the leaks around the left rear turn signal and brake/reverse/etc. cluster will get gooped and we shall soldier on to Santa Fe.
Also, as soon as we get camped out in the swanky hotel that is our ultimate destination, I'll try to get my shit together and squeeze out some bloggin'. Until then, later on cats!
Oh! I got in!
Glad to hear the Westie is back in action. Can't wait to hear more of your adventures. More blogging! There are days missing! I must know details of Tennessee and beyond! We all miss you.
I hope everyone gets to see this. Little Natalie Page has dropped and Jeff and Sally will be parents very soon. Within a day or so. How exciting!
Now get back to blogging!
Okay!! so what is going on now?? I am on a need to know basis!
Miss'ipp has had fun running with the dogs but no one throws (and hides) the sticks like you guys do!
you guys coming home this weekend?
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